Video Lesson 04

This semester our class will be running 1x per week, online. In order to make the most of our weekly meeting, and to prevent "Zoom Fatigue", I will be teaching the class using a "flipped classroom" model. Here's how this model will operate in our class this semester:

  • Before most classes you will be asked to watch a video lesson - the lesson for this week can be found below.
  • After you watch all of the videos in today's lesson you will have a small task to perform - we will refer to these as "micro assignments". These "micro" assignments are fairly straightforward and short and are directly related to the content covered in the video lesson for the week.
  • These "micro" assignments are due before our next class meeting. You cannot turn in a "micro" assignment late. We are setting up these assignments in this way so that everyone has a baseline level of knowledge of the topics being covered in the video lesson. This will allow us to make the most of our time together during our weekly course meeting.
  • During our course meeting we will cover new topics during the first half of class. During the second half of class we will focus on working on a larger programming assignment together and in small groups.

HTML Form Elements & Processing Form Data with JavaScript

Micro Assignment #04

Your task is to build a working "calculator" webpage. This page will allow the user to type in two numbers and select a basic math operation - from there the answer will be computed and displayed for the user. Here's a quick video showing the expected final output of your assignment:

When you are finished please upload a copy of this file to your i6 website using the process described in Assignment 01. Name your file micro_assignment_04.html and ensure that it is accessible from within your webdev folder. You will also want to submit a link to your work on NYU Classes under the 'Assignments' tool. You will want to include this project as a link on your homepage (also described in Assignment 01)