Video Lesson 03

This semester our class will be running 1x per week, online. In order to make the most of our weekly meeting, and to prevent "Zoom Fatigue", I will be teaching the class using a "flipped classroom" model. Here's how this model will operate in our class this semester:

  • Before most classes you will be asked to watch a video lesson - the lesson for this week can be found below.
  • After you watch all of the videos in today's lesson you will have a small task to perform - we will refer to these as "micro assignments". These "micro" assignments are fairly straightforward and short and are directly related to the content covered in the video lesson for the week.
  • These "micro" assignments are due before our next class meeting. You cannot turn in a "micro" assignment late. We are setting up these assignments in this way so that everyone has a baseline level of knowledge of the topics being covered in the video lesson. This will allow us to make the most of our time together during our weekly course meeting.
  • During our course meeting we will cover new topics during the first half of class. During the second half of class we will focus on working on a larger programming assignment together and in small groups.

Working with CSS classes using JavaScript

DOM queries that return multiple elements

Creating & adding elements programmatically

Micro Assignment #03

Your task is to edit the HTML document below to include some JavaScript that will make some changes to the page. Here is the code you will be working with:

<!doctype html>

    <title>Micro 03</title>
      /* you may not make any changes to the CSS rules below */
      .blue {
        color: blue;
      .pink {
        color: pink;
      .square {
        width: 100px;
        height: 100px;
        border: 1px solid black;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        display: inline-block;
        font-size: 200%;
        margin: 0px;
      .yellow {
        background-color: yellow;
      .red {
        background-color: red;
      .orange {
        background-color: orange;
      .container {
        width: 502px;
        height: 202px;
        border: 1px solid black;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        margin-top: 20px;
        margin-bottom: 20px;

    <!-- you may not directly change any HTML on this page
         you can only use JavaScript in the 'script' tag below
         to make changes -->
    <div id="box1">
      <div class="square yellow">1</div>
      <div class="square yellow">3</div>
      <div class="square yellow">4</div>
      <div class="square yellow">2</div>
      <div class="square yellow">5</div>
    <div id="box2">
      <div class="square red">6</div>
      <div class="square red">9</div>
      <div class="square red">8</div>
      <div class="square red">10</div>
      <div class="square red">7</div>

    <div id="box4" class="container"></div>
    <div id="box5" class="container"></div>


      // Task #1: change all yellow squares to red square,
      //          and all red square to yellow squares. you must use the
      //          provided classes for this (you cannot use inline styles)
      //          HINT: use 'querySelectorAll' instead of 'getElementsByClassName' here
      //          this was not mentioned in the video, but 'querySelectorAll' will return
      //          an array of elements that represents a 'snapshot' in time of all elements
      //          that are members of a class, whereas 'getElementsByClassName' will return an
      //          'auto-updating' object that will change whenever the class membership
      //          of an element changes.

      // Task #2: change all squares that have even numbers in them
      //          so that they use the 'blue' class, and all odd numbered
      //          squares so that they use the 'pink' class

      // Task #3: add 10 divs with classes of 'orange' and 'square'
      //          to the div with an id of 'box4'

      // Task #4: add 10 divs with a class of 'square' and a RANDOMLY
      //          selected class of orange, red or yellow to the div
      //          with an id of box5





Your finished product should look like the following image:

Here are some hints to get you started:

  • You can ONLY make changes to the script tag - no changes to HTML, CSS or JavaScript outside of this tag is allowed.
  • You will be using a number of new DOM methods that are discussed in the videos above.
  • You cannot "hard-code" any values using inline styles - if the program says to add a class to an element you cannot use to simulate this behavior.

When you are finished please upload a copy of this file to your i6 website using the process described in Assignment 01. Name your file micro_assignment_03.html and ensure that it is accessible from within your webdev folder. You will also want to submit a link to your work on NYU Classes under the 'Assignments' tool. You will want to include this project as a link on your homepage (also described in Assignment 01)